Words of Wisdom – 2

Author – Dr. Caroline Mathew

        Jyothi Swaroop

ISBN - 978-81-19722-09-9

Price - Rs. 185.00

Aim- To develop abilities, attitudes and positive values among students which shall benefit them and the society at large. 

Preface- Integration of Value Education in the school system will aid students to make the right choices in challenging circumstances, enhance decision-making skills, and shall cultivate important values such as kindness, compassion, and empathy. The curiosity of students shall be sparked along with the development of their values and interests which shall further aid in skill development. Promotion of patriotism, and acceptance of all forms of diversity shall be strengthened through value education.

Each chapter in the series is story driven with a core value which is further elaborated in the exercises and activities. The ‘Life Skill’ section further tries to instil the value among the students giving them the right environment to practice and apply what they have learnt. The book even has a section which reaches out to the parents at the end to help them with a few aids to support the child with the right value for life.

Main Features-

The value education series titled ‘Words of Wisdom,’ a series of 8 books for classes 1 to 8 tries to

  • Approach the child's personality development in a holistic manner, considering their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs,
  • Instil a sense of patriotism and good citizenship values,
  • Educate students about the value of cooperation and collaboration at the social, national, and global levels,
  • Foster politeness, accountability, and cooperation,
  • Foster a sense of curiosity and creative thinking,
  • Teach students how to make good moral decisions,
  • Encourage a democratic outlook and conscious way of life
  • And to teach students the value of tolerance and respect for all people.

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